Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Golden Connection


Gold is one of the most unique substances on earth. There are obviously concentrated deposits in various areas, but Gold is actually in everything, it is everywhere. While  in minute amounts, Gold is present throughout creation in all the elements. It is present in combination with many other elements and substances in the earth’s surface, such as Silica, Iron and Sulphur. Quite a bit of gold is mixed in with Silica, Iron and such, in fact, one of the reasons gold mining is so destructive to the environment is that toxic chemicals are mixed in with the substances to get the gold out.  It is also interesting that gold can be stretched to extremely thin sheets, to the width of a hair, and it changes colors many times as it gets thinner.

The brilliant red in medieval stained glass windows is from gold! Gold is mentioned throughout the Bible, but mainly in the Book of Revelation as part of the New Jerusalem. In a Spiritual Scientific sense, the origin of metals actually comes from the Sun and the Planets, where the metals came to Earth in a fluid astral etheric state. This shows that according to Spiritual Science, metals are actually foreigners on earth, they come from cosmic planetary origins.. All of the classic planets have metals associated with them: Silver is associated with the Moon, Quicksilver with the planet  Mercury, Copper with Venus, Iron with Mars, Tin with Jupiter, Lead with Saturn, and the metal of our focus for this podcast: Gold with the Sun.

In spiritual terms, Gold has a connection with the Human “I”. This is mainly because the Human “I” is indestructible, as is Gold, hence the symbolism. Gold rings are exchanged in marriage ceremonies as a symbol of (I would offer the ideal of) enduring love between two people. 

Iconography is a sacred art in the Byzantine and Eastern Christian tradition. By making an Icon, the artist enters a prayerful state, and paints the Icon in several different layers, each layer as a symbol of the tableau of creation. Beginning with clay which is symbolic of the first day of creation, there are several different layers to the Icon, each symbolizing a different “day” of creation. Specific prayers and meditations are employed by the artist throughout the process. The last layer of the Icon  finishes with the application of gold gilt.  In the case of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn, a golden Riza is the final layer of the Icon. What is so interesting to me personally, is that according to the Genesis narrative of Creation, Humanity was the “crown” so to speak, of the entire process. We also know that humans have a sense of the “I Am” which they share with Divinity, and this sense is something we have developed mainly through the Christ event. So these really beautiful Icons that are finished in Gold are an echo to what I was exploring earlier in the podcast. In spiritual terms, Gold has a connection with the Human “I”. This is mainly because the Human “I" is indestructible, as is Gold, hence the symbolism. Icons with their Golden Riza's are an excellent example of the indestructible nature of the essence of being Human, our “I,” as well as being a symbol of the tableau of the evolution of creation, symbolizing the incarnation of the divine Human.

The Madonna is a symbol of the highest potential and capacity of the human being. In the Gospels, Mary the Mother of Jesus, appears as the representative of the human soul, of a revealed spiritual force.

Gold in art, specifically in Iconography symbolizes the full divinization and full incarnation of the human.

Notice this when you see Icons, and hopefully it will inspire you and warm your heart.

For a fuller discussion on the Golden Connection with The Black Madonna, listen to The Black Madonna Speaks Podcast on the very subject.

The Golden Connection

Blessings on your Journey!

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