Monday, September 19, 2022

The Word Became Manifest

 There are two manifestations of Mestiza Madonnas in the Americas.

One is the miraculous and famous Virgin of Guadalupe of Mexico

The other is a less famous but also miraculous image of Las Lajas of Colombia.

One of the hallmarks of the Christian Impulse, is that Divinity came to Humanity. The prologue of the Gospel of St John states "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..." John 1:14 This profound statement is worthy of contemplation for countless hours, but in essence describes how the being of Divinity, Christ, became a physical presence and lived among our human family. Christ incarnated at a time when humanity was so ensconced in the material, it was difficult to communicate with and sense the presence of the spiritual world.

The Christ Impulse and movement is not "just like all other religions." The main difference is that through this spiritual orientation, we understand that Divinity came to humanity, and inhabited a human body to understand and help transform the human/divine relationship. 

To have a human body on earth, one must be conceived in, gestate and be born of a woman.

A woman was essential to this entire divine process, and that woman was The Virgin Mary.

An interesting phenomena in the Americas is for the Virgin Mary to appear to natives and mixed race people, Mestizos, and ultimately imprint her image on physical matter.

The Virgin of Guadalupe of Mexico imprinted her image on cactus fiber.

The Madonna of Las Lajas in Columbia imprinted her image on stone.

The Americas are the most materialistic and dense lands on earth. The elementals in these vast territories are materialistic, the Natives knew and respected this reality, which is why mining and other forms of human activity that destroy the earth were never practiced here by the ancient peoples of the continent. The Natives knew such practices would unleash powers with which humans would have difficulty living. We can see the consequences of unleashing such power has done by Europeans to the people and land of the Americas.

The spiritual world often brings counter impulses to invite humans to  healing, moral and loving alternatives in contrast to destructive ideas and actions.

The Black Madonna does just that, and the Mestiza Madonnas in the Americas use the physical, material substance of cloth and stone to offer loving presence and alternatives to those who will listen.

In both Guadalupe and Las Lajas, spirit became manifest and is dwelling amongst the faithful.

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