Friday, September 2, 2022

The Black Madonna and Modernity

Our Lady of Loretto Statue in Primošten, Photo by Silverije on Wikimedia Commons.


The Black Madonna as an artistic genera is quite popular in the last several years.

In the Early 2000's when I was starting my research, the Internet was still in its infancy. There were only a few books on the subject, and the main website for information was The University of Dayton Marian Library, which actually was quite detailed and informative.

Now there are numerous sites, books are also plentiful, there have been organized tours and pilgrimages to Black Madonna Sites all over the world. Modern artists are also embracing the theme, especially African Americans. Why this sudden interest and exploration in images that are often a thousand years old?

One of the main migrations of Black Madonnas to the European Continent occurred during the  Crusades. Rudolf Steiner tells us that the Crusades were a preparation for the Age of Consciousness Soul. According to his cosmology, this is the era we are enduring at present. I have always seen the Black Madonna as a gift and message from the Spiritual World that we are supported, understood and loved during our ordeals on Earth. 

No one would deny that our age is extraordinary in terms of challenges. I think this is why so many imaginations are sparked by these mysterious images. The Spiritual World is reaching out to us, and we are responding, because this is the time and we are the ones we have been waiting for all these centuries. We are loved and supported, and trusted.

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