Sunday, March 29, 2020

Love in the Time of Apocalypse

Depending on your geographic location, it can be the beginning of week 2 and up of quarantine. Where I am at present, Southern California, Spring has gloriously descended upon us, oblivious to the drama that is unfolding throughout the world. Years ago, I was attending a Waldorf Conference in Los Angeles, where author and Vorstand member Virginia Sease was the keynote speaker. During the question and answer session following her talk, someone asked about the numbers of souls created in the beginnings of humanity. Sease responded that she had no answer regarding if there were a finite number of souls or souls being created continuously, but that the global population explosion was a sign that something very important was happening on Earth, and many souls wanted to be present for the event. Obviously, this statement stayed with me these many years as I wonder what the heck is going on, and why am I here. I half heartedly joke that I would like a copy of my karma meeting notes, because I really do not think I agreed to this, and would like either a refund or a chance at some different karma. Such is the response of a true hedonist, but hey, that is who I am on a deep level.

In my latest book on The Virgin of Guadalupe, I explore at length the Apocalypse and the ages ahead leading up to the union of humanity with the Mystic Lamb, the Christ. If we accept that there is a way to go ( in terms of time as well as consciousness and preparation,) before this event articulated in the Book of Revelation. The word Apocalypse means “lifting the veil.” It is significant to me that the virus that is causing all of humanity to “go to their rooms,”  is essentially “coming in the clouds.” By coming in the clouds, I mean through the air. Yes, humans through their activities such as coughing and spreading of droplets and such are adept at spreading, but in reality, it is through the atmosphere the contagion widens. 

Each and every hour, new numbers are broadcast through the media. Here in California, Orange County in particular, the population has settled into a new normal. Grocery stores all have uniform hours and sanitation practices. People are saying home, working in their gardens and cleaning out those closets so long ignored, many are working at their jobs through video conferences and email. I wonder as I walk to the grocery store, and to the skilled nursing facility where I can wave at my mother through her window, how long this relative calm will continue. As I walk the neighborhood to the local open space near the house I am staying, I am practicing what I call “The Pandemic Wave.” Where each encounter with an oncoming human is greeted with a hand up to wave and a swerve of six feet to either the left or right. Is this the end of the world? Is this the Apocalypse that was foretold nearly 2000 years ago on Patmos?

What are we supposed to do during the Apocalypse? For now, I keep up with floor exercises, walking and basic household chores. I cook as much as my host will allow me, and have for the most part refrained from binge eating with which I so desperately want to indulge. At present, access to hand sanitizer and toilet paper seem to be vexing the population. As the economy screeches to a standstill, jobless and infection rates soar, it is anyones guess as to what will happen regarding mortgages and rent. I have never understood what exactly banks were loaning specifically, because it seems to me it is basically computer entries of numbers and zeros, nothing really tangible, say like stacks of cash or bags of coins. I am blessed that my current housing is not dependent on rent, but this situation is temporary, what ever temporary means at this point in human evolution.

What is it we humans are supposed to be wanting to be present for that we flocked to incarnate at such high numbers? During a recent conversation with Nancy Jewel Poer, author, educator and all around amazing human, we pondered this question aloud. In Anthroposophical Cosmology, the planet earth is the “planet of love.” This notion seems at first glance rather insane. How could a planet inhabited by such violent and cruel history be a planet of love? The practices of humans throughout the ages, particularly under the guise of “religion” is the main reason for atheism. Randomness is taught at the basis of the natural world, and if there is a god, he or she is quite cruel and arbitrary to allow such suffering to exist. Anthroposophical Cosmology tells us that we are part of the great transition of a cosmos of wisdom transforming into a cosmos of love. Humanity was created to be a catalyst for this transition, and gifted freedom as our part to help co-create the new cosmos. Freedom is our gift and our task, freedom is the path to love.

To have love, one must be free. Love is a choice. Love is the one thing no person can make another feel or act upon. To be free, there must be a choice present. We have been given the great choice between love and evil. While we in my part of the world wait with bated breath, the very action with which the virus harms, we wait for the onslaught, while we witness the rising tide of infection across the states, the arrival of the Mercy Ship in Los Angeles Harbors equipped with hospital beds and professionals to help our health system cope with the impending crisis, powerless to stem it’s spread through anything other than sitting at home, social distancing, hand washing and sanitizer, while we wait the one choice we can freely exercise is to love. On the sidewalk leading to the grocery store, I read the chalk drawings that remind me of this deep truth, “there is no fear, only love.”

As my choice, I am offering to anyone who wishes, my labor of love during this time of trial in which nearly 8 billion souls incarnated to witness. This is a time of Apocalypse, we are having the veil lifted. Our consciousness is being awakened as never before, on a level that has caught the attention of every human on earth. If you would like an electronic or PDF copy of my Apocalypse Activity Workbook, please go to the Google Form link:

All I need is a name and email, and you will be sent a link to Dropbox. All I ask in return is that you make a donation to your favorite Church or faith group, to a local charity or medical support initiative, join in a daily prayer or meditation, reach out to someone you love. In a very profound way we are being forced to sit still and reflect, to give the planet a break for a while in terms of polluting the atmosphere, to recognize how deeply we are capable of loving both the stranger and the closest companion. 

I will not be sending out updates as frequently as before, so please make sure to subscribe to my blog, youtube channel, Facebook and Twitter to keep abreast of my work. 

It is an easy choice to love you and to be grateful for the beauty that you contribute with your goodness. Blessings on your journey!

Stephanie Georgieff

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