Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Please Consider Becoming a Patron!

Dear Friends,

This will be a very rare post theme, in that I am promoting my work and my desire for my community and followers to support my work. I gladly and gratefully post content on my reflections concerning The Black Madonna and the meaning of the Divine Feminine on this blog as well as my YouTube channel. As you may have noticed, coming in the Summer of 2019, I will be doing a series of retreats and a walk along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. This will truly be an epic and soul enriching experience not only for myself, but for my followers who wish to partake in the endeavor. As I research and prepare for this undertaking, for those who wish, they can follow along on line, as the material will ultimately be put into a book for those who would like to incorporate The Black Madonna into their spiritual practice. This is a huge undertaking, and patrons are necessary in order to make it a reality.

You can be a patron for as little as $!.00 a month, or you can be a one time supporter of being a "Spirit Walker" where you will receive updates, podcasts and pdf's on our progress on the Camino.

Please consider this opportunity in helping to create a work of art to share with the world.

Here is the link to the Patreon Page.


If you are so moved, please share it with those you think would enjoy!

Blessings on your journey!

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