Monday, July 29, 2013

12 Days Left!

Hi All, 

Thank you for your generous contributions! I am getting nearer my goal, but I really need your help. Please pass this post on to 10 people that you think would be interested in the subject material. I am in need of donations of $50 or more per person to meet the costs of publishing this landmark study of the incredible symbolism of The Black Madonna.

My first webinar went really well, and I will send out the power point to all who are interested, just leave a comment with your email and I will get back to you. There are two more webinars scheduled so you can become familiar with the content, and of course all donations are very welcome. For Donations of $30.00 or higher, you are invited to attend a webinar on August 18, that will also be recorded and sent to you if you can not attend. 

Here is the registration information for the next two webinars. 

The History of the Black Madonna which will be on Saturday August 3rd at 9 am PDT
 The Healing Nature of Black on Wednesday August 7th at 3 pm PDT

 You can also go directly to the funding page for more information at 

Thanks to those of you who have donated, I so appreciate your contributions. I thank you also for passing on this email. 
You can also find regular updates on my facebook page .  And not to leave anything out,  you can find me on twitter, and a You Tube Channel The Heart of the Black Madonna

I  look forward to sharing the message of healing and hope with you and the broader community


Stephanie Georgieff
Author: The Black Madonna Journey of the Human Heart

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Way of the Stars

The Black Madonna of Montserrat, Copy of the Original at the 
Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela in Spain

The Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela in Spain

One of the more intriguing aspects of the Black Madonna's is the fact that they seem to dot the landscape around the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in France and Spain. The larger shrines and cathedrals that house some of the more famous Black Madonna's like Einsideln in Switzerland and Czestohowa in Poland are also on the Camino, but it is called Jocobs Weg in that part of the world.

The Camino is an ancient pilgrim route for those who could not make it to Jerusalem, and was chosen because it was felt that the terrain reminded one of the "way of the stars" which is what Compostela means.

It has become quite the thing to do in these days of frenzied technology, to simply take a back pack, good walking shoes and a walking stick and set off on the road, passing through some of the most breathtaking scenery in all of Europe to the destination of Santiago De Compestla Cathedral. I am planning to do this next Spring, if you want to join, let me know!

In the small city of Le Puy en Valee, (below) which is a French starting point for the pilgrimage, the faithful gather in the church there and pray to the Black Madonna at the start of their journey on the Compestela. There are in fact two Black Madonnas in this Cathedral.

The Christians of the Middle Ages approached the Compostela as an act of transformation, as a journey to contemplate one's life and how one could connect with the divine. There are ancient pre-christian mystery traditions associated with these walk ways that involve the concepts of love, transformation and the earthly journey. 

(If you read my book The Black Madonna Journey of the Human Heart, there is a long discussion of the Compostela and it's relationship with the Black Madonna. Go to the funding site to help it get published and get your own copy

It is interesting when you think of how the Christian Mystics took the best of ancient traditions and evolved them into Christian ideals of the transformation of matter and the blessings of true spiritual love. 

This may be why the Knights Templar brought the Black Madonna's to the Continent and placed them all over the Compostela.

Recently there has been a terrible tragedy near Santiago de Compostela, that has shook the local community and the Spanish nation as a whole. 

What has so devastated the Spaniards what that it happened on St. Christopher's Day in Santiago de Compostela, which is a joyful time in a city steeped in Christian hospitality and tradition. How could this be? While not an official Catholic Feast day, St. Christopher and his day were dropped in the late 1960's for reasons only known to those who chose to do these things,  but the day it still is a festival occasion, particularly in Santiago de Compestela. The people celebrate him anyways, and he is known as a martyr as well as by his legend of being a very tall person, who was dedicated to helping people crossing across a turbulent river. His icons depict him carrying children, and even the Christ Child, across swirling waters.

St Christopher Carrying the Christ Child by Bosch c. 1485

As the tragedy unfolded, it brought out the best of locals, who rushed to the scene to help the injured, to comfort those who were mourning, and to come together in prayer as a way to deal with the horrors they witnessed.

The first picture reminded me of the St. Christopher painting. What is so interesting as well as tragic about this accident is that it was basic human error, there are no terrorists to blame, no natural disasters to site. 

We have much faith in our technology, in our machines as modern humans. We think that science and progress will make us immortal and impervious to disease and tragedy. It is a deep shock when the machines and computers we trust our lives to fail and cause such death and destruction, for in many ways we worship these machines. What is true is that we can rely on the kindness of strangers, that the simple human touch which reaches out to us will carry us through troubled waters. This is where our faith should be. Our faith should be in the Spiritual world, which is the true sustainer of life, here and beyond the threshold.

I am always deeply moved that a communities first response to tragedy is kindness and prayer. 

The song Bridge over Troubled Waters, comes to mind, as does the 23rd Psalm, 

"And even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, you are with me"

No machine can ever do that for us. No computer can  promise to companion us through life's great trials. We need one another, we need Christ.

As we mourn yet another terrible tragedy that is a result of the failure of machines and technology, let us re-dedicate our own belief systems and look to the source that truly gives live and support during difficult times.

The Black Madonna's with their scarred and somber faces all along the Compostela remind us of this, that there is much suffering in this world, but it does not mean we are alone, there is comfort for us in one another as well as in the bosom of the Divine.

Three Webinars to Meet Stephanie and Hear More!

There is still time to register for the informational webinar: The Black Madonna: Journey of the Human Heart on Jul 27, 2013 12:00 PM PDT at: 

You are invited to hear an introduction to the subject of the Black Madonna. Dr. Stephanie Georgieff will share her personal journey that led to this "Journey of the Human Heart" how she conducted her research, her travels and why she has found The Black Madonna so meaningful for our times. Ample time is allowed for questions an answers about the subject, the upcoming tour to Europe in August/September of 2014 and how you can help publish this important book. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

No time today? No problem, there will be two more webinars before the funding campaign is complete.

The History of the Black Madonna which will be on Saturday August 3rd at 9 am PDT

Hikers along the Camino where Many Black Madonna's were Placed in the Middle Ages

The Healing Nature of Black on Wednesday August 7th at 3 pm PDT

You can also go directly to the funding page for more information at 

Thanks to those of you who have donated, I so appreciate your contributions and look forward to sharing the message of healing and hope with you and the broader community


Stephanie Georgieff

Friday, July 26, 2013

I have what I think is the worlds most interesting Angel. I keep my Angel very busy I must say, because she is always putting people, experiences and objects in my path for my benefit, because believe me, I do not look for this "stuff" it really comes to me. 

I was at a garage sale several years ago, and I came upon a CD called VOX X Chants From the Christian Arab Tradition

I of course snapped it right up, mainly because it was very inexpensive and also because the Genre was something with which I was unfamiliar. I was making acquaintances with Palestinian Christians, and at the time, the Dead Sea Scrolls were on display in San Diego. Interest in ancient texts and the Essene Community at Qumran was hip and groovy at the time, it seemed fitting that I would listen to music from the time literally of the Incarnation of the Christ.

The melodies were in Aramaic, the language of the Palestinian Jews at the time of Christ. They were haunting, full of longing, wistful and sad sounding.

It wasn't exactly an easy existence in those early days of Christianity. Most of the disciples were executed, the persecutions were rampant and vile and the times were very uncertain.

I have heard that in those early days after the Resurrection, the ground was actually quivering from the magnitude of what had just happened. What makes Christianity and the Christ different than all other cosmic orientations is the fact that God came to Humanity, to be one of us, to enter into the mystery of death, and to model the ideal for us. When you consider the preparation for the incarnation started right after the Fall of Man, this was no random event.

Ancient Olive Tree in Palestine

To imagine how a being that was beyond our comprehension, what we in The Christian Community call, the Spirit of the depths of time, the being of width and space, what the original Palestinian Christians called "The Divine Originating Mystery" (this is the Aramaic translation of 'Our Father who Art in Heaven') came into a human body in order to understand our journey, our experience of physical death, is a great deed of intimacy.

The Crucifixion allowed for the blood of the Divine Christ to penetrate the Earth, his body was placed into a grotto. And from this, the regeneration of the Earth occurred. 

We are in a similar time, as those hopeful yet mysterious and anxious times of the very ancient Church. Our Ancestors could not comprehend intellectually what had just happened, and yet they felt the earth quake with the reality of the Living Christ. They felt the Christ in their hearts, in spite of great terror and turmoil, they were faithful in their acts of kindness and worship. Rudolf Steiner tells of the Early Christians conveying the message of the Gospel through a felt sense, through conversation and story. The Early Christians spread the Word through acts of hospitality and kindness, through caring for the sick and the marginal of society.

It is from these early times that the first Black Madonnas appeared as an art form. I can't help making the connection between these enigmatic images and the haunting Aramaic melodies I listen to on the CD. Black is the color of Cosmic Will, of Cosmic Action. These Black Virgins I feel are symbols of our task in the present age, of uncertainty and great suffering, for those who love and await the Christ, to get busy.

Notre Dame du Chateau St Chrisophe les Gorges

We need to prepare our hearts by our actions towards our fellow human beings, we need to use our will to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the Beloved Community. The Kingdom of heaven is not something out there, in the distant reaches of space, the Kingdom of heaven is within and amongst us if only we would bring it about. God is with us, even to the end of time, he came to us in the most intimate of ways, he is near, we must reach out to him.

The Earth still vibrates with the Christ Deed, it is our task to use our will to bring the Christ Deed to fulfillment. As Mary said in the Luke Gospel, "May your word be fulfilled in Me." 

Let us fulfill the Word in our Hearts, and look to the Early Christians as models of endurance and love in the face of turmoil. The Black Madonna watches, beckons, challenges, what is your response?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Join Us for an Informational Webinar

Please register for The Black Madonna: Journey of the Human Heart on Jul 27, 2013 12:00 PM PDT at: 

You are invited to hear an introduction to the subject of the Black Madonna. Dr. Stephanie Georgieff will share her personal journey that led to this "Journey of the Human Heart" how she conducted her research, her travels and why she has found The Black Madonna so meaningful for our times. Ample time is allowed for questions an answers about the subject, the upcoming tour to Europe in August/September of 2014 and how you can help publish this important book. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.Brought to you by GoToWebinar®Webinars Made Easy®

A great opportunity to interact with Stephanie as well as ask questions about the upcoming book. See you on Saturday!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

16 Days Left

Hi All!

August 9th, 2013 @ 11 59 pm, a few days after the Feast of the Transfiguration, is the end of the crowd funding opportunity for my book on Indiegogo. My book is called The Black Madonna:Journey of the Human Heart, and is a unique view of the history, folk lore, spiritual and religious symbolism surrounding these most beautifully enigmatic depictions of The Virgin Mary in Europe.  This link will take you to the funding page and has all the premium perks listed there, which range from signed copies of the book, Webinars, workshops and a tour to the Black Madonna's of Czestohowa, Einsiedeln, Montserrat, Le Puy and Chartres in Europe in August/September 2014.

There are several opportunities to learn more about The Black Madonna: Journey of the Human Heart. 

I have started a Blog on the subject which offers excerpts of the book as well as insights on current events in the light of The Black Madonna. You can visit and subscribe here

You can also "like" my Facebook page which features thoughts, excerpts and updates on public lectures, upcoming tours for the Book, and Webinars.

You can follow me on Twitter and watch video blogs on You Tube at

I will be hosting three free Webinars where I will introduce the book and allow for questions and answers. The dates for these on line events will be:

Saturday July 27th at noon PDT, 3pm EDT 

Saturday August 3rd at 9 am PDT, noon EDT
Wednesday August 7th at 3 pm PDT, 6 pm EDT. 

 Links to those Webinars will be published soon via email, twitter, blog and Facebook, so stay tuned for details.

I cant thank you enough for your generosity, and ask you to please donate what ever you can, as well as pass this on to anyone and everyone you think would be interested.

With your help, this incredible message  of hope, endurance and our spiritual task in these turbulent times can be spread by my book.

Thank you so much for your support, donations and for spreading the message!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Sorrowful Mother

In the book, The Black Madonna: Journey of the Human Heart, I aim to explore many of the consistent themes of the Black Madonna. As an art form expressed in paintings, statues, stained glass windows and Icons which date from the 3rd Century AD to the Renaissance in Europe, we can see many similarities. One of the more striking qualities of these images which set them apart from the White Madonnas, is their faces are very somber, scarred and sad.

The main thesis of the book is: art is a method of communication between the human and divine world, that the symbolism of art can convey messages from the Spiritual world. There are many messages that I look at, the color, the size and position of the hands, where the Black Madonna's are found and the narratives behind their discoveries and miracles associated with them.

But the faces, those somber sorrowful faces, are so different from the cherubic Madonna faces we see on so many Christmas Cards. What is the message in the dark faces?

One of the first documented conversations of Mary happens in the Luke 1:35, when the Angel Gabriel informs Mary of the impending birth of the Saviour. "See I am the handmaiden of the Lord. May your word be fulfilled upon me."

Mary in essence was the first human being to say yes to the Christ, and the first human being to literally have the Christ Within. This was not an easy experience, she was counter culture from the get go, conceiving literally out of wedlock, while betrothed to another. She walked her entire life in faith, because there was no blueprint, no how to book, no mother to daughter advice she could rely on to be part of the incarnation and ministry of Christ Jesus. Ultimately, she had to witness his very public and unjust execution by a ruthless and oppressive state. She in some way may have been aware of the inevitability of this execution from the beginning. The rest of Christ Jesus's earthly peers, whom really did not understand the cosmic nature of his ministry, knew him as a leader. Mary loved  him as a mother loves her son, with many memories of childhood, of the immense amount of work, from labor to all that goes into raising a child under difficult circumstances. 

In earthly terms, the execution of Jesus must have been an extremely bitter pill to swallow, because it was carried out in a completely unfair manner, with no recourse, no argument, just bitter acceptance.

The faces of the Black Madonna representations I feel embody this reality. They signify the difficulty of being alive, of the human earthly sojourn. Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland has slash marks on her cheek, made by a vandal. What is so interesting is that these scars are reported to reappear even after they have been painted over. 

Pain is an unpleasant reminder that there is suffering. These works in my estimation, show that the Spiritual world knows, understands and companions us in our despair. Even the "Mother of God" did not escape the piercing agony of the immense loss of a child, murdered before her very eyes. There is no more helpless feeling than not being able to protect your children. She must have been so despondent, thinking, this is the Son of God, how can this happen? Where is the Justice? She probably felt more alone than any other person in the history of humanity. 

To me, the face of the Black Madonna is a message that the Spiritual World knows our pain and sorrow, that the biggest players in the entire drama of The Mystery of Golgotha, know and companion us in our suffering. For those of us in the Christian Community, we know the end of the story that is ever unfolding, that out of the greatest of agony, hope and renewal is not only possible, it happened, it happens. Resurrection happens. 

The other message of the Black Madonna is that our will, our deeds are up to us to create the possibility of birthing the Christ within, of creating a culture that can contain the Cosmic Christ, the Beloved Community.

As so many of our brothers and sisters are in agony, that they do not feel their children are safe. One way we can can carry out the mission of Christ is to be loving and respectful to one another, to listen to the pain, to not dismiss the centuries of agony and injustice with platitudes about law and "I didn't do that." 

We are all one family, with different faces and purposes. We have a mess, it does not matter who made the mess, we all need to clean it up. A great start is to listen, to reach out and to honor different visions.

"May your word be fulfilled upon me." The Black scarred sorrowful faces are watching, what are you doing with your heart, where are you storing your treasures, how are you working to make all peoples feel like they are part of the beloved community?

The Black Madonna waits to hear your answer.