Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The Milky Way Galaxy

On a recent interview, Richard Dawkins (the darling of the evangelistic atheist movement) stated that faith was belief in something without evidence. Belief in something without evidence, he said, is a dangerous thing. He went on to say that religious fundamentalists would harness science and probably end life as we know it in the 21st century.

I am always struck by what consists of evidence. When I witness the stars at night, the kindness of both strangers and loved ones, watch parents tenderly care for their children, people fight endlessly for the weak and down trodden, I ask myself, what more evidence of the love of God do you need? How can one witness the miracle of life, of the cohesiveness of the universe and think this is all random? What also confounds me is that compared to the age and wisdom of the galaxy, how do you think that one human mind can figure this all out and dismiss the mystery behind it?

When I was much younger, I was on a blind date with a young Lawyer. As the evening progressed the topic of religion came up. My date remarked that he did not believe in such nonsense, that he had survived a terrible car accident with his former girlfriend who exclaimed how grateful to God she was that they had not suffered injuries after their car hydroplaned into oncoming traffic. He responded that it was beyond him that God would have altered the laws of physics just for their benefit. I asked, genuinely curious, "Well, what would God have to do to impress you?" He stammered, that he had never thought of it that way. Needless to say, I never heard from him again.

The Milky Way Galaxy has been known by that name since the dawn of time. No one knows who gave it the name. In Latin it is known as Via Lactiva or the Way of Milk. With our technological advancements in astronomy and telescopes, we now have a greater understanding of the Universe that has cradled our world since the dawn of time. It is thought that the Milky Way has 100 - 400 Billion Stars, and 50 Billion planets. The Milky Way is part of what is called the "Local Group" of Galaxies, and we are part of 200 Billion Galaxies. Maybe this name, the Way of Milk, was given by those who knew the universe was our nourishment, all life came from this band of light.

For me, all science comes from God, who is as the Aramaic Translation calls the Our Father as "The Divine Originating Mystery." What we see now is a dim mirror, Paul tells us, but some day we will understand all. For me it is no accident that the Black Madonna's are placed along "The Way of the Stars" as a reminder of the vast heavens from which our souls come. 

My faith has much evidence, it lies in the revelations before me through the natural world, human endeavour and the arts. It goes beyond comfort, to a deep certainty, in spite of pain and trials, that there is meaning, context, purpose and love in the universe. It is not religious fundamentalists that are killing the planet, it is a science that ignores the morality and wisdom of the universe, that seeks to place itself above God. I believe when we actually see the divine in all of creation, we will have a science and technology that will be used for good. Until then, I have faith that goodness will reign, and  justice will flow like a mighty river. My temporary home is on this beautiful planet filled with great creativity, but my home is with the Father, in his beautiful mansion where he has a place for me. It is up to my efforts to open my heart to the possibility. This is where my evidence based faith lies. I hope you find the peace this knowledge brings.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Black Madonna and The Power of Prayer

Salus Popluli Romani, Rome

In Radiant Heart: The Radical Teachings of Jesus and The Mysteries of Christ, Andrew Harvey states:

“The clue to the birth of the full authentic Christ Force on earth and in time lies in the complete embrace of the Sacred Feminine. This embrace will allow the full birth of Christ in our Body, Heart and Soul. The representation of the Divine Feminine will affect the revolution that Christianity needs to go through if it is to be the authentic vehicle of the transforming passion of the Cosmic Christ. Such a restoration at every level of Christian Thought and practice is the only way of restoring to the world that electric balance between transcendentalism of mystical Christianity and the most prophetic and precise commitment to the cultural political transformation that inspired the historical Jesus. The secret transformative force has never completely entered history, it has been incompletely imagined through Patriarchy, which has strangled its power." Harvey feels that there is no other more powerful way to portray the full authentic Christ Force on Earth, than through the Black Madonna.

Salus Populi Romani Carried to the Peace Vigil, September 8 2013 at the Vatican

A beautiful Icon of Mary was carried through the vigil, at the beginning of the service. To me this looks like a Black Madonna. Salus Populi Romani, meaning Protectress (literally salvation or health) of the Roman People is the title given in the 19th century to the Byzantine icon of the Madonna and Child, reputed to date to Early Christian times, in the Borghese or Pauline Chapel of the Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica in Rome. For centuries it was placed above the door to the basilica's baptistery, and in 1240 it was called Regina Caeli ("Queen of Heaven") in a document. Later it was moved to the nave, and from the 13th century it was preserved in a marble tabernacle. 

 Salus Populi Romani is one of the so-called "Luke Images" of which there are many throughout the world. These were believed to have been painted from the life by Saint Luke the Evangelist himself. According to the legend: after the Resurrection, when Mary moved to the home of St. John, she took with her a few personal belongings--among which was a table built by the Redeemer in the workshop of St. Joseph.  St. Luke was asked to paint a portrait of the Mary, it was the top of this table that was used to memorialize her image. While applying his brush and paints, St. Luke listened carefully as the Mother of Jesus spoke of the life of her son, facts which the he later recorded in his Gospel. Legend also tells us that the painting remained in and around Jerusalem until it was discovered by St. Helena in the 4th century. This is a similar narrative to the Black Madonna of Czestochowa in Poland. Many of the Black Madonna's are credited to be painted or sculpted by St. Luke. Throughout history, Black Madonna's have been taken from their crypts or altars and paraded throughout the towns or cities where they reside. They have been credited with healing the population from plagues, stopping invasions and giving people hope. It was no coincidence that this Icon, which is very large for an Icon of it's age, five feet by three feet, was carried out into the crowd during the global vigil for peace in the middle east on September 7th, 2013.

That vigil drew over 100,000 people to the Vatican plaza, was televised to reach the entire world, and many vigils were held throughout the globe.

People from all over the world, from different faiths and Christian sects joined in this deep festival for peace, to focus divine love, I would say, to birth the Christ in our bodies, minds and souls, in order to transform the agony of war, and impending war on the troubled nation of Syria. How many million prayers went out to the Cosmos, filled with love? And yet the drum beat (with much grief and embarrassment I must admit as an American, from my leaders) was getting louder and louder to bomb this troubled blood soaked nation.

Today we wake to the news that a different solution to the terrible violence in Syria has emerged. A third way not even considered just 48 hours ago. 

The Associated Press reports Syria's Foreign Minister has said his country has accepted a Russian proposal to relinquish control of its chemical arms stores:
On Monday, Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem stated that his country welcomed the Russian proposal, which called for Syria to place its chemical weapons under international control and for the weapons to be destroyed. The report goes on to say that Syria is open to being a signatory for the Chemical Weapons Ban treaty. The UN is lauding this movement, and suggesting that the weapons be destroyed under supervision, both Russia and Syria are open to this.

Some would argue that the only reason this dramatic turn of events happened is because of the threat of imminent force by the United States. As with everything, people are free to believe what they wish. 

For me, this terrible tragedy, this incomprehensible cruelty of chemical weapons being unleashed upon civilians sleeping in their beds, suffocating over 400 children, this terrible violence and the threat of more violence, inspired the entire globe to fall to their knees and focus the transformative Love of Christ on this terrible wound. I think this is a first in the history of humanity, that the entire world's faithful fell to their knees in prayer as a response to the threat of war. There have been global protests, but to my knowledge, never a global prayer vigil. Lets really learn from this!

Under the banner of a Black Madonna, the full authentic force of Christ was born in the hearts of billions of people as they fell simultaneously into soulful prayer and meditation for love to be the solution to this tragedy. Let us learn this profound lesson, that loving peaceful responses to violence, create opportunities for true miracles to happen. As Mary said to the Archangel Gabriel, let the words of God,  to love one another, be fulfilled in us.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Nativity of Mary

The Nativity of Mary, Giotto die Bondone 1305

September 8th is celebrated by many Christian Sects as the Feast of the Nativity of Mary. The history of this festival is quite profound, especially during these very tense days (which will hopefully not result in) leading to a bombing strike against Syria. The feast may have originated somewhere in Syria or Palestine in the beginning of the sixth century. After the Council of Ephesus, which met in June and July of 431 AD, in of all places The Church of Mary, where the proclamation that Mary was the title Theotokos or "birth giver of God," originated, the cult of the Mother of God gained momentum, especially in Syria

Ruins of The Church of Mary, in Ephesus which is in modern Turkey

Different sects celebrate on different days, but the Roman Catholic calendar recognizes the date as September 8th. St. Fulbert, Bishop of Chartres; (952-970 –1028) was Bishop from 1006 till 1028. He was a teacher at the Cathedral School at Chartres, and he was responsible for the advancement of the celebration of the Feast day of “Nativity of the Virgin."  Fulbert was responsible for one of the many reconstructions of the Cathedral, most notably the magnificent structure we see today which is a shrine to Mary, Wisdom, Birth and the spiritual capacity of the human

Notre Dame de Chartres, France

Most of the information we have about Bishop Fulbert is found in the letters he wrote from 1004–1028, to both secular and religious figures of the day. He speaks of the Festival of the Nativity of Mary as of recent institution. The three sermons he wrote are the oldest genuine Latin sermons for this festival.

In my never to humble opinion, Chartres Cathedral is home to three Black Madonna's. Two are statues:

The Black Madonna Sous Terre, (above) and the The Black Madonna de Pillar (below)

But for today, I want to focus on what I consider to be the third Black Madonna of Chartres, which is found above the North Portal of Chartres, in the panels under the North Rose Window.

Under the Rose window, there are five panels, featuring the pillars of the prophets and kings that lead up to the Incarnation of the Christ which is featured as Mary and the infant Jesus in the center of the Rose. The center panel beneath the Rose Window is that of St. Anne with the infant Mary, Mother of God. 

A closer look reveals why I consider this a Black Madonna

One of the major themes of my book, which will be available in November of 2013, is looking at the spiritual meaning behind the Black Madonna's. A recurring theme in the Black Madonna's is the large size of their hands, as well as their dark brown or black appearance. Many theories abound as to why they are black, but I feel that they are black for a major reason: Black is the color of Cosmic Will. Black is the color of Cosmic will transforming into Human Will and Movement. It is interesting that the combination of Black and large hands are prevalent in these Madonna's, because hands are the agents of human will. I think the symbolism is that we are to carry out Cosmic Will with our will, our hands. The Black Madonna's, particularly in this window, show that human participation is needed, in this mystical task of the Divine world upon the Earth.

Mary the Mother of God, has so many meanings and purposes for humanity. In one aspect, she was the first person to say yes to bringing the Christ impulse to Earth. When Gabriel announces that she will help birth the Christ Child, first questions her ability to do so, and then says to Gabriel and ultimately God " I am the Lord's servant, may your word be fulfilled in me" Luke 1:38.

The Rose Window shows the elaborate plan laid out by the Divine to create the Incarnation of the Christ. Mary was the chalice for this Incarnation, the bringing forth of the Work, the Divine Logos of God, and the Window shows the Cosmic Wisdom that brought this about in elaborate detail. The symbolism from every aspect of the Sacred Geometry that is involved in the North Rose Window shows the Divine Revelation that Art presents as a vehicle for the communication of the Spiritual World with humanity. In essence, the Window shows that Mary is the first human to combine her will with that of the Divine to birth the Christ on Earth. I think it is no accident that St Anne is portrayed as a Black Madonna, as the one who also participated in this Divine revelation, as bringing her wisdom and nurturing to raise the Mother of God.

There are many prayers going out to the Universe on this Feast of the Nativity of Mary, for peace in the Middle East, particularly Syria, where so long ago, this ancient festival was first celebrated. There were 100,000 people praying in Rome on the eve of this Nativity celebration, with gatherings across the globe to focus love, kindness and non-violence towards those who would do harm to anyone. May the Word of God be fulfilled in use to love our neighbor, to feed the hungry, heal the sick, clothe the naked and house the homeless, just as Mary said Yes, let us do so likewise. May we use our wills to align with the Cosmic will for Justice, to bring a cosmos of love on earth. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Chemical Weapons

It has been a busy few weeks, the news has been buzzing  about what they call "an alleged chemical attack" outside of Damascus. Gruesome videos of people, many of them children are swirling about the internet and social media, prefaced by news anchors as "disturbing." during their prime time appearance.

For most of news cycle since the attacks occurred, I have been listening to the media and governments meticulously analyze whether or not these pictures are real. Chemical weapons experts come on the news to lend their opinions. What else could it be actually? But what is more disturbing than the atrocity, is the reluctance to call it what it is, a deep human tragedy, an utter failure of human morality and decency. Each side in the conflict blames the other, governments and analysts around the world are debating the words that should be used to call this event what it should be called, even more discussion has been focused on what the response should be. Lines have been crossed, responses should be given, warships gather, alerts broadcast, passionate debates in parliament and on evening news programs go on endlessly. But still the children die, mothers mourn the loss of their babies, doctors fight to save lives, not only in Syria but across the globe. One comment I saw on a news source said, "when will it end?"

Our Lady of the Good Death 
, France 12c

I have so many questions. Why does the world rally so quickly around promoting destruction? I saw a BBC news article showing a colored info graphic showing where all the world's weapons were produced and exported This "good idea" as it was labeled showed streaming beams of color coming out of the different nations that export arms. Leading the pack was the United States, but it seemed almost all nations are busy making agents of death and destruction as the basis of their economies. Here in California, entire economies have collapsed when military bases close. State and local governments rally to beg Congress not to shut down more, where will the jobs come from if the bases close? What kind of job is that? To depend on creating death and destruction as the base of your economy, is no economy.

What is the response to evil? More evil? Is one side's evil better than another? Does violence ever stop violence? The ultimate perpetrators of evil, the nation that unleashed nuclear weapons and used them on Civilian Christians of another nation because the military target was covered with clouds at the time, justified the action by saying "it saved lives." At what cost? Another justification for vaporizing 100,000 civilians, and giving cancer and fertility diseases to generations afterwards, was, well they would have developed these weapons at some point and would have used them on us. So, we beat them to the finish line in being "the bringer of death?" And we are the ones who will mete out justice on those who dared to use chemical weapons we designed on their own citizens?

Several years ago, a crazed gunman entered a school of Amish children, and selectively shot 10 girls before killing himself. The children were aged 6 - 13 years old, and five of them died as a result of their wounds. The response of the community was swift and decisive. They immediately forgave the man, and gave the money that poured into the community to help the girls who survived the shooting, to the family of the shooter. He left behind a wife and several small children. They invited the family to come and live with them. When asked why and how they could have done this, the response was simple, this is our responsibility, it is our faith, we are required to forgive.

Naive? Hardly. As a person who could be called a victim of many crimes and injustices by conventional wisdom, I can tell you, no matter how grave the harm, the only freedom really comes from forgiveness. When you experience the injustice, by not forgiving, you allow the perpetrator a permanent part of your soul, you bleed energy daily, you relive the pain over and over again. In essence you never heal, and the perpetrator wins.

I remember hearing a story of a man from Cambodia whose family had been slaughtered by the Pol Pot evil. After witnessing his family die from a firing squad, as a child he had been forced into slavery in the rice paddies, chained to other children as they harvested rice. Each child had a razor wire around their necks and were required at various times to strangle and decapitate one of the children in their group by collectively pulling on the chain that connected them all, mainly at the whim of their foreman. This was done to "teach" the children a lesson. The man later became a refugee and emigrated to America, where he vowed revenge for his family and those children he witnessed being killed. His revenge? To live a good life and not let those who had harmed him have any power over him. He said that to be angry and bitter would have let them win, and by making a success of himself, by living a good and moral life, he would overcome those who tried to break him.

I usually cry when I think of the Amish victims of violence, of what this Cambodian man endured, because forgiveness does not come easy to me. I fall so short of their example, and am shamed by my willful desire to exact an eye for an eye. As a person who has had everything stolen from me, very unjustly, I struggle with wanting vengeance first, then I can forgive. But I have also experienced the exhilaration of forgiveness, to be free from the debilitating anger, to be rid of the horrible event that clouds my memories, the memories that restrict my freedom. As a victim of violence, I have learned that the only freedom comes from forgiveness, the only way to truly "kill" the perpetrator is to forgive and release him to the hell that awaits him. When we cross the threshold, All of us will experience the pain that we caused others in our life and not have the lie of cool rationalization to numb ourselves from our actions. We will go through this life review of pain in the direct presence of the Christ. When I imagine the pain that those who have harmed me and those who perpetrate great evil on this planet will experience when they cross the threshold of life, it actually allows me to have compassion for them. For the pain they cause, may take an eternity to process, of agony with no substance or distraction to relieve. For me, I try to temper my thoughts and actions so I will not have to process more than is necessary in the presence of the pure love of the Christ.

So what are we to do as a species when some of us perpetrate great harm and evil on others to do? Sit silently by and let them continue? Can we ever punish rulers who order genocide on their own people? Who suffers the price from military actions designed to punish a regime? Do such actions really stop the slaughter?

A simple google search in the Bible produces many verses on vengeance. From Old and New Testament:

Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
Romans 12: 14, 18-20. Bless them that persecute you....If possible, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, Vengeance is mine..... but if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink. (Paul wrote this in prison, which you can still visit in Rome, it is literally a hole in the ground that still smells of urine, that he could write such beautiful sentiments from a dank hole speaks volumes of what is possible when one fills their lives, their souls and minds with the life affirming Christ consciousness) 

Matthew 5:39 But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him, and if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt let him have your coat also.

We often hear that Christ brings freedom, true and deep freedom.  Often this is associated with the afterlife, which is true but I think the dictum and example of Christ brings freedom on the Earth as well. Forgiveness does not come easy, nor is it excusing the wrongs. Worrying and plotting revenge when the perpetrator's ultimate punishment of experiencing the pain caused others awaits them, the ultimate retribution is not for us to "help God out" in exacting. It will come in ways we can never create, and is actually more effective in the long run.

What if the news pundits, the UN councils, the Arab League and governing bodies of the world reacted in a truly Christian way to this atrocity? In stead of sending in experts to see if chemical weapons had indeed be used and who did it, arguing over what to call the atrocity, what if the world rushed in to heal the sick, feed the hungry, bind the wounds, and forgive those who did such heinous crimes? What if we all rushed in to facilitate reconciliation, demanding that kindness and love be applied immediately to remedy the situation? We only rush into see whom we can bomb. And then what?

Naive? Am I really? Why would the creator of the Universe suggest forgiveness? Maybe he knows what he is talking about. Forgiveness is practical actually, but it can also be one of the most incredible experiences on this planet. Forgiveness is something that God does every second of every day, something that was one of the last seven statements of Christ when he was on the Cross. We could actually be like God!

As the US Congress meets to debate on whether or not to slaughter the Assad regime, one thing is for sure. To do the same thing over and over again and expect different results does not work. We must use the immense creativity that we humans are capable of instituting. Violence never stopped violence, Matthew 25 :52 was said by Christ Jesus as he was being arrested in Gethsemane to a disciple who drew a sword to fight with the authorities. Remember, this was happening because he was betrayed by a close friend, and would lead to his unfair execution so a known murderer would be set free. Jesus Christ said, knowing the consequences of all that led up to this moment and all that lay ahead: "Put back your sword, for all those who take up the sword with perish by the sword." Why is it that humans think they can know better than the creator of the universe who has lived, worked and created beyond our time and comprehension, why is it that humans think they have a better idea than God or his Son?

We know what does not work in deep, evil conflicts. More evil, more violence and death does not work. We have suggestions, and examples, from God and Humans alike when something different is attempted. For the Love of God, lets try something different. Forgiveness is not weakness, it is the ultimate power, the ultimate courage, and the ultimate deep and true answer to bring about the Kingdom of God, of Love upon the earth. 

Let's avenge evil by living a good and moral life, let us make those who have died at the hands of these terrible weapons a good death, by challenging the war that is the basis of our global economy, by forgiving and combining our hearts, minds and souls for the betterment of us all. Let us debate what the loving response is to evil, lets try something different and see what happens.