October 3 - 17, 2025
Explore the healing transformation of Darkness and the Divine Feminine with the Black Madonnas of Spain.
Dr. Brooke Laufer, author and Jungian Psychologist, will join Stephanie Georgieff, Black Madonna Speaks Podcast Host and author, on a journey of the soul along several segments of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.
The Camino de Santiago de Compostela, often referred to simply as the Camino, is a network of pilgrimage routes that converge at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, northwestern Spain. It is one of the most famous and significant pilgrimage routes in the Christian world, dating back to the Middle Ages, when it became a major pilgrimage route following the discovery of the remains of St. James the Apostle in the 9th century.
The Black Madonna refers to a type of statue or painting of an image similar to the Virgin Mary in which she is depicted with dark or black skin. These images are found primarily in Catholic and Orthodox countries and are often attributed to medieval times. There are various theories about why these depictions have dark skin. Some suggest it could be due to the material used, the effects of candle soot over centuries, or symbolic representation. Others believe it reflects a connection to ancient, pre-Christian mother goddesses or has theological significance representing universality and inclusivity. The Black Madonna is often venerated and associated with miracles and pilgrimages.
The trip will begin in Barcelona, where the tour will explore the Black Madonna Shrine of Montserrat for several days - taking in the Abbey and surrounding areas along the eastern Spanish Camino. After several days at Montserrat, the tour will visit numerous Black Madonna shrines throughout the Gipuzkoa region of the Spanish Northern Coastal Camino, concluding with a two day retreat in historic Oñati.
During the stay at Montserrat, Dr. Laufer and Georgieff will share their insights and experience regarding the history, folklore and deeper symbolism of darkness, the divine feminine and the Black Madonna. Dr. Georgieff will provide context and history of the Black Madonna and Dr. Laufer will present on the symbolism of the Black Madonna as an archetypal image for recovering the divine whole self. Together we will discuss the healing and alchemical properties the Black Madonna can offer us by making contact with our own dark shadows.
After several days at Montserrat, the tour will visit numerous Black Madonna shrines throughout the Gipuzkoa region of the Spanish Northern Coastal Camino, concluding with a two day retreat in historic Oñati. Several days will provide the option for participants to walk along the Camino to the various shrines, and transportation between destinations will be available for those who wish to partake. At the time of the printing of this Itinerary, the proposed cost of the tour which will include all presentations by Dr Laufer and Georgieff, train and bus transport within Spain, lodging and group meals is $3500 USD. Not included in the price is transport to and from Spain, free meals such as lunches and a single room supplement. A more complete price will be available in January of 2025, and a non refundable deposit of $500 USD by February 28, 2025. Prices for the tour may change due to change in lodging and transportation costs. If you would like more information, please visit the following link to sign up for regular updates. Black Madonna 2025 Tour